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Jam-Jam. P

Like love at first glance, you swept me off my feet,
A match so perfect as if it was for the deities themselves. 
I seek a feeling only you could provide. 
Baby, let’s slowly dance to Shiloh
As I gaze upon you with eyes filled with love. 
I dream of the future, 
Where you kiss me, and remind me that I’m loved.
"Who are you to me?" I often ask myself. 
You give me heartaches, of joy and bliss,

of which I wish to never rid. 
Perfection like this, I don’t deserve. 
But hope we’ll reincarnate and do the same in our next life, 
baby ndivuyiswa bubukho bakho. 
ukuba liphupha eli, ndiyacela ningandivusi.


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Yena: Welcome
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